Modern Christian artists consider themselves gods, which is essentially “an idolatry of creativity. The point of creating a work of art is ‘the shock of the new,’ creating something that hasn’t been created before, or doing something that hasn’t been done before.”
[Robyn deGroot]

Sep 7, 2008

A Simplistic View of Politics

To me politics boil down to two world views.

The first world view is one that is full of compassion. It reaches out to those who are in need and wants to help them. It is an idealized belief of basically the words of John Lennon's song "Imagine". I believe that democrats truly want us to all live in peace and harmony and share our wealth with one another. This also means that morality and truth is "adjustable". The government seeks to "help" and thus, control. The more influence that the government has over individuals, the less freedom we all have. Eventually,we become socialistic and almost communistic to the extreme while trying to "level the playing field for everyone" or force the masses to conform to their ideals. In an effort to please everyone, we lose our sense of right and wrong and are subject to grave consequences.

The second worldview is full of conviction. This group reaches out to those in need by pointing to life principles that must be respected. It is like the light house and the boat parable. The boat must change course because the light house is immovable. We can either live by principles or be crushed by them. This group holds individuals to a higher standard of self requiring accountability and fostering a sense of right and wrong. This group is horrified by the "anything goes" idea presented by the "compassionate" group. This group knows that total freedom without bounds is total chaos. This group believes in accountability for personal actions. Categorized as small town idiots who simply hide behind bibles or cling to guns, they are really honest hard working people who won't let the trends of a generation decide who they are.

I am very moved by the compassionate group. My heart is broken for many injustices and unfortunate circumstances that plague so many. I also believe in absolute truth. In a simple comparison, it breaks down to either these two thinking patterns:

The emotions and feelings of a jacked up society determine their own idea of "truth"
Truth stands as an anchor regardless of what the "waves of societal opinion" may be. True is true always.

boiling down to this.

Most Democrats make the rules up according to feeble human understanding, emotion and feeling.
Most Republicans believe that if we don't respect the principles of life(God), we will lose our society to all-out debauchery. And this is a society where no one benefits in the long run.


  1. The line between beliefs of the two parties has been blurred but I believe the majority of people vote because of 30 second sound bites and they don't really know and understand what the person or party really believes. More people watch American Idol than watch political speeches and debates and they vote for the one who will make them feel good and give them money.

  2. dear Kacy love you as always. Maybe part of the problems is that we have allowed politicians to split us with their old war strategies , "divide and conquer". If they can split us into and keep us fighting one another then they can play the gamble to win.

    For me and i believe for many both on the left and right:

    "Life is infinitely creative, resourceful, reliable and ultimately good. (Both Reps and Dems)

    Human beings are an expression of that life force and, as such, are creative, resourceful, reliable and fundamentally good. (Both Reps and Dems)

    All life is inextricably connected - what happens to any of us happens to all of us. (Both Reps and Dems)

    Evil exists as a potential in all human beings and it derives from the illusion that we are separate from each other and from the fountain of life and the source of God. ( Both Reps and Dems)

    Evil cannot be vanquished by force of arms or by fear. It can only be conquered by love. ( For both Reps and Dems)

    In the power of compassion and direct right actions we and hold ALL of life with reverance and
    transform institutions, social systems and the wounded human hearts.( Both Dems and Reps)

    The arc of human history moves toward democracy, justice and an appreciation for our wondrous multiplicity of expression. To stand with power we must stand within the circle. (Both Dems and Reps)

    It is the right of all people to enjoy life, liberty and the security of person; to be treated equally under the law; to enjoy freedom of thought, conscience and RELIGION; to free expression and association; to have free access to clean water and air. ( All the Dems and the Reps)

    It is possible for all human beings to be free from economic want and poverty and to live with dignity. (All Dems and Reps)

    Peace among and within nations is only possible when these rights are assured to everyone. (For all the Dems and the Reps)

    The most fundamental responsibility of government is to ensure the health and well-being of the land and of all its inhabitants. ( For all the Dems and the Reps)

    Individual rights must be balanced with responsibility for the well-being of the community. (Balance for all the Reps and all the Dems)

    The success and survival of our civilization and, possibly, that of the human race are in increasing jeopardy because of our commitment to an unsustainable pattern of resource consumption, particularly our dependence upon fossil fuels. ( For all the Reps and all the Dems)

    While our planet's physical resources are finite, the resources of love and imagination are without end.
    It is indeed possible to create a society which lives sustainably and harmoniously within the parameters of our planetary life support systems. ( For all the Dems and the Reps)

    We have a responsibility to live in such a way that we do not diminish the opportunity for future generations to enjoy the same quality of life which we enjoy. ( For all the baby Dems and all the baby Reps)

    A human birth is a precious gift that is accompanied by a responsibility to act with generosity, sensitivity and compassion for all living beings. ( The seamless garment for all Dems and all Reps)

    In doing our best to leave a better world for our children.( For all the Children)

    All people, individually and collectively, are capable of learning from their mistakes. (All of us both Dems and Reps are imperfect and all fall short of the glory of God)

    Life inherently includes suffering, but we have a responsibility as members of the human family to do what we can to ease that suffering and to structure our social institutions in such a way as to minimize unnecessary suffering due to poverty, disease, war, injustice and environmental degradation.
    ( For all the Dems and the Reps)

    Joy is also an inherent feature of life and it is possible to participate joyfully in the suffering of the world. ( May we all aspire for the inherent goodness to minister to those in need, all the Dems and all the Reps.)

    Each and every life has inherent value and is worthy of respect. ( All are worthy the unborn the elderly the red, the yellow, the black, the white, both Reps and Dems)

    In poetry, art, music, dancing and the spirit of play.
    In the power of truth.
    At the heart of all things is an ineffable mystery worthy of awe and wonder.( For all the Dems and the Reps)

    By the Grace of God we all are sustained and guided. ( Both Reps and Dems )

    Why do we allow them to split us? The political machines create the monsters and then taunts us with wild rhetoric why do we fall for it? Us against them, family against family, for what? Especially with the use of religion. I know many wonderful Dems that have a profound faith and service in and for God, Jesus, and other religions of their hearts. And i know many wonderful Republicans that have big big big hearts that are often the first to lend a hand. Dear one why do we buy into their programmming for as soon as they get into office it is chaft in the wind, all to often? Why do we pour so much money into war rather than peace? If we really want change then reach out to the both the Dems and the Reps and form a circle that holds all the children to come in its midst for the earth belongs to them, not us.

    Love you Kacy sorry this is so long.

  3. Aunt Marci,
    You always have such a graceful way of mending things and seeing the positive in the big picture. I love you so much.

    Did you see the pics of grandmother?

  4. Thanks sweetie!

    Yes, i did see the pictures of the family and so enjoyed. Luke and Kyson are awesome. I tried to download a couple of the family pictures but do not think i figured it out. Could you send me the family pictures in an email??? Would love to have the ones with Grandmother and the family shots with her.

    Much love
    auntie marci
