Modern Christian artists consider themselves gods, which is essentially “an idolatry of creativity. The point of creating a work of art is ‘the shock of the new,’ creating something that hasn’t been created before, or doing something that hasn’t been done before.”
[Robyn deGroot]

Oct 20, 2008

Christian wierdos...

(I suppose this is a fair warning to my family and friends that I am getting weirder and that if they are uncomfortable... I totally understand...)

Since I have been a devoted Christian, going to church, growing in the Lord, seeking deeper understanding of Him, I have met a few people who have challenged me in my lifestyle choices...

I remember a family in the Weatherford area that went to our church. The mom had long hair down past her waist and she would wear white dresses and really dance during our praise and worship. She was beautiful and so wise in the Lord. She home schooled her kids and was 'different' in a good way... well, in a WEIRD way... she made me a little uncomfortable... I mean I wanted to be a sold-out Christian, I just didn't want to be that "branch dividian" so to speak...

I met other families. One also home schooled her 6 kids. They were natural food fanatics. No wheat, no regular peanut butter, no white sugar. They ordered their food through a special company and it was not so appetizing -(those artificial flavors, preservatives and colors are there for good reason! ) They adhered to this strict diet like some adhere to the very Word of God... I really liked this family, but I preferred my Peter Pan peanut butter--brown and soft, not gray, salt less, and covered with a thick layer of oil.

Later on, we met a missionary family that was really into Jewish customs and destined to move to Israel. They have four kids and didn't own a television. They studied Hebrew and practiced the Sabbath feasts. They where white kids from Abilene who were trying to prepare for a life among another culture. They talked about potty training without diapers, painfree childbirth, and biblical child training... They were/are precious people... but a bit too weird for me...I didn't want to be THAT different.

How does someone get so weird? Perhaps it begins on one end of the spectrum and ends on the other extreme.

Perhaps, we start out like the hip, world-mimicking, cool Christians who try to make the Gospel more palatable to the culture around us. A few years go by and we are sickened by what we see as a cheapening of the gospel... a weakening of the call to be separate and if we are "lucky" God calls us out of the fog and into a life of clarity. Then before you know it, you might start doing away with things as the Holy Spirit directs... perhaps you lose the cable TV thing, next you stop wearing clothes that look trendy and vain. The next thing that goes is your appetites. Soon your taste for the latest look or style completely goes and you see shopping for this season's "hot new looks" as a total waste of time and thought. You could care less if your car is old, your job title is "only" mom, or if your children are setting fashion trends in pre-school. Success in school sports and popularity no longer enters your mind as you think of your kids and their future because you are aiming beyond high school, college, and even death! You DO NOT want your kids do be "normal kids". You hope and pray that they will be mighty instruments of God. I am constantly being challenged by God to do as He directs instead of what I understand to be the norm

Here are some classic scriptures referring to the "weirdness factor".
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Titus 2:14

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light 1 Peter 2:9
Being different, according these scriptures, seems to go with the Christian "job description" We are to be in the world---not OF the world. Jesus was irritating to a lot of people... that is why he was killed... he was considered a threat and a "weirdo". He was not at all a cool, trendy or culturally-relevant politician. He was on the edge, the fringe, and an outcast.

Being uncool is irritating to "cool people"... that is why the jocks have to beat up the nerds... Weirdos threaten the norm by challenging its vanity... (I think of the movie Pretty in Pink, don't you?)

I just hope that I can skip the whole natural peanut butter thing...


  1. Looks like a jar of poop. :)

    Proudly purchasing organic peanut butter from Costco!

  2. weird is a matter of opinion. If someone is different from "me" he/she is weird. God want us to be concerned about what He thinks...not what people think. I doubt we will ever get to where we don't care. I remember hearing someone say once, "Others can, I cannot".

  3. I am not sure I see clearly my failures. Don't know that I have a clue. I do believe what you said about having no ambition that your children are "glorified" (my interpretation) in sports/popularity rings clear. Your desire for them to avoid those temptations just sounds "sound". (I wish I knew then what I know now.) Ya Know? Thankfully, my kids weren't weighed down by that but I think parents can be. I pray God's best for your children. The more His Word saturates our minds, the less capable we are of defining "weird".
