There are billions of people who have died that NO ONE REMEMBERS AT ALL.
They are forgotten.
Sure, there are a few people who are remembered through literature and history but the VAST majority of all earth's human inhabitants are forgotten... unnoticed by history...unmentioned by time.I am just looking at my own family ... I know the names of a few of my great great grandparents...
...but above that pretty much NOTHIN'. (My mom knows more because she went "Mormon" on the family tree thing a few years ago.)
Let's face it: Only the people we know well, know us well.
And they don't know us completely or deeply. And those we consider close friends can become strangers in a short time. We are always changing.. .We all have people in our past that we once knew very well that we no longer have contact with...I have co-workers, great friends, and neighbors in my past that I loved like family...BACK THEN.
Now things have changed, and I don't know them anymore because time has already made us all into new people...
As for me, being a Christian, a wife and a mom to my two boys is so central to my being that anyone who knew me before all this change came, doesn't know me at all... and I doubt they think about me anymore... I am a faint flicker floating farther and farther away from their lives. I am irrelevant. Get my drift?
We will all be forgotten in just a few generations. Even if we write books, and blogs, and take photos, and scrapbooks and try to hold on, we will slip into oblivion. After all, someone has to be interested sorting through all our old junk... people are just not that interested in people who are dead... However, they will take our stuff, pillage our jewelry boxes, and enjoy the antiques some...but they won't care too much about us... or where we lived and what we did and if we could or could not lose the 40 lbs we gained since high school.
We can increase your chances of being remembered if we can:
1. great achievement (like becoming president)
2. celebrity status (shallowness is essential)
3. legendary talent (like Mozart or Shakespeare)
4. great philanthropy(give a lot of money away and make them use your name on the buildings)
5. infamy(Jack the ripper)
6. noteworthy scandals(Monica Lewinsky)
7. social importance(Rosa Parks)
... and think about it this way... celebrities and important people are forgotten all the time. With any luck, today's celebrities will be forgotten next week!
No, really. Anyone remember the pop star Martikka? You forgot her didn't you? What about what's his name from that show with, oh! what was it? Or how about that song, you know the one with what's-his-face?
This is so frustrating, I can't remember all that I have forgotten!
If you can't cast a large shadow, chances are that in just a few generations you will be a great great great grandparent to a whole bunch of total strangers.
Through the eyes of the secularist/evolutionist/athiest this part of the great "circle of life." We don't matter at all, we have no inherent reason to care.
The popular culture, however, displays a desperate desire for another answer...just look how everyone seems to be hoping to leave a legacy, a permanent mark, proof that we mattered, that we existed, evidence that we were more than "dust in the wind." In all that we do, in the back of our minds we are thinking, "What will they remember me for? Was I pretty? Was I creative? Was I better educated than most? What will they say at my funeral? What can I do with my life to make my funeral weigh more? How can I get the most folks to come and cry over me!"
However, we don't really least not permanently.
According to the Bible, we go on living after life... Either to our great joy or to our great horror. Yes, this means Hitler, Elvis, and John F. Kennedy are still alive.
AND, all of the billions of people who ever lived and who ever died since the dawn of time are all still 'alive' waiting for the end when all will be known. The Bible tells us that every detail of our life is REMEMBERED and we will give an account them.
Thankfully, the only One who can fully KNOW us, the only One who TRULY cares about every detail of our lives, the only One who NEVER CHANGES and NEVER LEAVES US, the only One who NEVER TIRES of us is our CREATOR.
Jesus, knows us fully and he loves us fully inspite of everything. We can take comfort in knowing that we matter to him. We are not wasted, and there is no wasted lives in God's economy. We will not be forgotten because we are loved and special enough to spend eternity in his company enjoying him forever.
The only thing forgotten, at that point, would be our sins...
"as far as the east is from the west, that is how far he has removed our transgressions from us."
It's good to know that all of life has not been a waste and that its fruit will be enjoyed forever...
"And this burning tree, this withering... will bloom again..." SONG: Good-Bye, Plankeye
I think you are pretty young for the thoughts of your Nov 2nd and this last one to be so "settled" for you. God is so good. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all you say. Before my conversion I pondered and thought of these things but now I know that like you say there is One who knows me from way back then and now, and still loves me. He loved me then when I was His enemy and He loves me now I am His child. It is all irrelevant in comparrison to having a relationship with Him.
ReplyDeleteHow manyu people died and is in Hell now unforgiven?