Modern Christian artists consider themselves gods, which is essentially “an idolatry of creativity. The point of creating a work of art is ‘the shock of the new,’ creating something that hasn’t been created before, or doing something that hasn’t been done before.”
[Robyn deGroot]

Dec 27, 2008

Got a Graphics pad for Christmas

As many of you know, I am kind of into artsy things...

My hubby bought me a Bamboo that allows me to write this blog entry with a pen. (Thanks babe!)

I can draw, edit, and write on my pc with one hand.

This should free one hand for other things such as finding pacifiers or changing the batteries in Thomas the Train.

I am officially a mommy geek!


  1. fun new the background, by the way

  2. Hi Kacey,
    I'm glad you got your Bamboo. I remember you saying you'd like to have one. Hope your 2009 has been tremendous so far.
