Modern Christian artists consider themselves gods, which is essentially “an idolatry of creativity. The point of creating a work of art is ‘the shock of the new,’ creating something that hasn’t been created before, or doing something that hasn’t been done before.”
[Robyn deGroot]

Jun 25, 2008

when my eyes reach out to the dark starry dome
and I ponder the lights that I see
my mind takes for granted the depth and the breadth
and I go back to living 'asleep'

like the air in my lungs and the chair at my back
"reality" is what I believe
and I shake away grander thoughts
and go back to what I ought
because my world is the size of me

I have peaked over fences, leaned out the window
but my habits yank me back down
I am hemmed in, stuck in my skin
and in my own shallowness-- drown.


  1. Sweetie, i do believe you have a gift for writing, and hope you keep it up, for it just might be a way to keep in Munday? I know i am Auntie that knows you are wonderful, but i think i have this one right. Also down there is Big M, surely you would have lots of colorful characters. I am still waiting for a book about Granny Tommie???? I know you have a few books in you, just reach down and pull them out!

    As always
    auntie marci

  2. Hey love the new blog!!! Your design site is awesome! I'll put a link on my blog. Miss you!

    Have you heard from Heather lately?
