Modern Christian artists consider themselves gods, which is essentially “an idolatry of creativity. The point of creating a work of art is ‘the shock of the new,’ creating something that hasn’t been created before, or doing something that hasn’t been done before.”
[Robyn deGroot]

Jun 25, 2008


C. S. Lewis used the imagery of mud pies to illustrate how we spend out time and efforts on trivial things- the whole time forgetting the better and more REAL side of things...

I think I a am a mud pie magnet. Instead of simply believing that this world is not my home or that we shouldn't worry about today--I take up my own burdens and try to bear them. You know, the ones that everyone has: uncertainty, worry, and troubles... I am trying to fight a spiritual issue with my flesh! My head knowledge doesn't match up with my heart knowledge...

For example, here I am again, worried about how we are going to make it long-term in Munday. We would love for Wes to be able to work here and make a decent living. I don't like that he has to drive so much... So, yesterday, I was looking on the internet looking for business ideas. I looked at Subway franchises, small town business ops, and then I realized what I was doing... I was trusting my ability to figure it out instead of waiting on God. If he lead us home to Munday, we must beleive that He is going to make our paths plain. I run to all sorts of fleshy "false saviours" when I get anxious.

I know that I should run to God. I should cast my burdens on Him! But, lately especially, I have let my flesh rule my mind and actions. I really need a refreshing of the Holy Spirit to straighten out my head!

As for mudpies, they are only dust, right?... and a a good splash of "water" just washes them away...

1 comment:

  1. Kacie,

    I found this through the page for Tyler and Trey. We had heard about the accident and check the page every day. It is so awesome to see how you have "grown up" to be such a wonderful, godly woman. I do not know if you remember us or not. I served as pastor of FBC, Munday for 6 years. You were in my son Jeremy's class. We had twins, Matt and Marc while in Munday. Our son Matt and his wife have been through quite an ordeal since Tyler and Trey's. If you are interested you can read about it in our newspapers website:

    Anyway, what a blessing to see how great you are doing and what a precious family you have. By the way, do you remember the Frosty the Snowman play we were in? I split my pants in front of most of the town of Munday when my Officer Bump costume did not hold up! Ha!

    The LORD bless you and keep you,
    Jim Way
